
Register Account

Pre-registration process

Welcome to ODPC registration process. If this is your first time registration please select the first option. If you had earlier started registration but did not complete the process due to internet problems, power or other circumstances, select the second option.

Basic Details
Data Protection Officer(Required)

Fill this section if your institution has a dedicated data protection officer.

Personal Data
Sensitive Personal Data
Do you handle any sensitive data. If yes. Please tick yes, and then describe the purpose.
Category Purpose
Racial or ethnic origin
Property Details (Including Financials)
Religious, philosophical conscience and beliefs
Marital (Include spouse and childrens details)
Health Status (Physical or Mental Health)
Sex/Sexual Orientation
Biometric data
GPS Location Data
Genetic data
Transfer of Data
Does your data reside outside Kenya. If yes please list the countries

Risk Measures
Employees and Turnover
Non exempted categories

If your turnover is between 0 - 5 million and do not process data for any of the caregories below, then you are exempted from mandatory registration.

If you process data for any of the following puposes, please select your appropriate categories from this dropdown list

If you do not process data for any of the following puposes, you can proceed to cancel your application

Application Review
Review your application
Login Information

Linda Data